Steve Ward – Pastor

Steve and his wife Jaime have been members at Heritage since 1999. Steve was ordained as a pastor in 2000. He and Jaime have four children.

Steve works for Terracon Consultants as an IT Project Manager. He also is the Soccer Director for the KC East Lions High School program (for homeschool athletes). Jaime homeschools their children and assists the KC Homeschool Dance ballet productions.
Tim Berry – Pastor

Tim and his wife Christy have been members at Heritage since 2007. Tim was ordained as a pastor in 2019. He and Christy have three children.

Tim works as a Pharmacist at St. Luke’s Hospital. Christy homeschools their children and creates beautiful works as a talented textile artist.
Heath Lytle – Deacon

Heath and his wife Brigette have been members at Heritage since 2008. Heath was appointed as a deacon in 2019. He and Brigette have four children.

Heath works as a CPA for Howe & Company. Brigette homeschools their children and serves others with her amazing talents as a special occasion florist.